The Sochi Olympics 2014 - Our independant reporters | #DoNotMiss #Sochi2014

Hello, Friends! :)

We are happy to let you know that curiosity of our two faithful and desperate reporters - Anton Khvorostianov and Vika Ageykina - brought them to the Winter Olympics in Sochi, where they will stay untill February 15! They will broadcast live on the competitions and keep us updated on everything most exciting happening there!  

Hashtags that they are using in the social networks are:
 #DoNotMiss #Sochi2014. If you click these hashtags here right now, you will see lots of the pictures from Olympic Sochi that they've already taken! 

You can read about the Olympics and the way we see it here, in our blog "Where curiosity may lead".

Some Facts from the History of the Olympics:

According to the documents found, the first celebration of the Olympics took place in 776 B.C. Peace was announced for the whole period of the games, and if there was a war going on, it was paused until the end of the competitions. The Olympics were stopped in 394 A.D., and then re-started again only in 1896 thanks to the hard work of Pier de Coubertin. The Winter Olympics first started in 1924. At first they would be held the same year as the Summer Olympics. But in 1994 the Winter Games were moved 2 years away from the Summer Games.

Only 214 athlets from 14 countries took part in the first restored Olympics in 1896 in Athens. Today only the Russian Olympic team has 223 sportsmen! And 87 countries are taking part in this year's competition.

Follow us! Together with our special reporters we shall try to tell you the most interesting facts and news of the Olympics! :)

You can also read in our blog:
- EURO 2012 insight (the article of our reporters from the Euro Cup in Poland, 2012)
- Tim Tebow - the fenomenal American Football player and a Christian | Video

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